
About Infinity Study Point

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Thousands Of Futures In The Making

Teaching Beyond Course, Teaching Skills, Teaching Values

At Infinity Study Point, we believe that even learning is a skill. In order to learn, a student must always be curious to know more and willing to persist in their curiosity. Education is no rote business, we believe in sparking students’ interest by approaching them how they want to be approached. Our team is a close-knit bunch of sincere mentors and dear friends to all the students.

Per our leading light, Sanjay Sir’s virtues, teaching for us goes way beyond book-based education. This is why our strategy undertakes tutoring values along with the course. So, not only does your child excel as a student but also as a person.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Path

Infinity Study Point is spreading the benefits of quality education using high technologies like “audio visual effects”.

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